UTR Aguascalientes es centro verificador de TOEFL iBT
動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/TOEFL/TOEFL?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ UTR Aguascalientes es centro verificador de TOEFL iBT 2018-11-20 相關報導: - UTR Aguascalientes es centro verificador de TOEFL iBT La Jornada Aguascalientes 【 http://www.lja.mx/2018/11/utr-aguascalientes-es-centro-verificador-de-toefl-ibt/ 】 ◎ The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test 2018-11-16 相關報導: - The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test WTOP 【 https://wtop.com/news/2018/11/the-complete-guide-to-the-toefl-test/ 】 ◎ HEC to provide GRE, TOEFL training to 6000 students for study in US 2018-11-02 相關報導: - HEC to provide GRE, TOEFL training to 6000 students for study in US Daily Times 【 https://dailytimes.com.pk/317570/hec-to-provide-gre-toefl-training-to-6000-students-for-study-in-us/ 】 ◎ HUT Emas Bengkulu, KMB Adakan Kursus TOEFL Gratis 2018-11-20 相關報導: - HUT Emas Bengkulu, KMB Adakan Kursus TOEFL Gratis RagamPost 【 https://ragampost.com/berita/berita-bengkulu/2047-hut-emas-bengkulu-kmb-adakan-kursus-toefl-gratis/ 】 ◎ 小学托福成绩出炉:VIPKID学员阅读测评优秀率超平均值4.7倍 2018-11-19 相關報導: - 小学托福成绩出炉:VIPKID学员阅读测评优秀率超平均值4.7倍 新浪网 【 http://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/2018-11-19/doc-ihmutuec1527520.shtml 】